


This is a fast growing species of coffee tree producing beans with higher acidity and high bitterness resulting in an inferior tasting coffee drink. Its strong plant taste with higher bitterness levels are largely due to its high pyridine content (known for antitumor, antibiotic and diuretic qualities).It grows readily at sea level but can grow almost anywhere. With over 47 varieties of robusta trees suppling the global coffee market, It is used primarily in instant coffee, espresso, and as a filler in ground coffee blends. The bean comes from the Coffea robusta variety of the Coffea canephora plant (widely known itself by the synonym Coffea robusta) which has its origins in central and western sub-Saharan Africa. Two qualities specific to robusta are: 1) Robusta is easy to care for, has a greater crop yield, has almost double the amount of caffeine and more antioxidants, 2) less susceptible to disease than arabica coffea.


Arabica plants grow slowly and can take up to seven years to reach maturity in which they produce a viable crop of cherry fruits ready for harvesting. Arabica trees grow best at over 2,000 meters above sea level. Furthermore, due to their susceptibility to damage by frost they are usually grown well near the equator. Their prolonged maturation produces coffee with more intense sweet, salt and citrus flavours while also leading to coffee with less than half the caffeine of Robusta coffee. Because of this, gourmet coffees are almost exclusively high-quality mild varieties of arabica coffee, and among the best known arabica coffee beans in the world are those from Panama Esmeralda Private Collection Geisha, Jamaican Blue Mountain, Colombian Supremo, Tarrazú, Costa Rica, Guatemalan Antigua, and Ethiopian Sidamo.

Natural coffee Vs. Artificially enhanced coffee

Many Robusta or blended varieties of coffee have commercial sweeteners added to make the bitter coffee palatable. Commercial flavors are also added, for example, caramel or chocolate. The health risks associated with this practice are known to have potential negative affects on the heart and arteries with the increased build up of plaque which can restrict blood flow and contribute towards heart attacks over prolonged periods of exposure. Consult your doctor to verify these facts.

Lamtika Colombian Supremo arabica coffee grows to maturity with a naturally sweet taste. It contains no preservatives, sweeteners or flavour enhancers. LAMTIKA does not use any additives in our coffee. The coffee beans are truly a specialty coffee and 100% natural.

Medical benefits of drinking quality natural coffee

When drinking four or more cups of coffee a day studies show the following results: Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee are associated with reduced diabetes risk (Ding, Bhupathiraju, Chen, Van Dam, & Hu, 2014). Significant reduction in the risk of Cardio Vascular disease and associated mortality (Mostofsky, Rice, Levitan, & Mittleman, 2012). Recent evidence shows a connection between coffee consumption and reduced cancer risk for all types of cancer (Bravi, Tavani, Bosetti, Boffetta, & La Vecchia, 2016).

For LAMTIKA's all naturally processed Colombian Supremo arabica and dessert quality Robusta coffees