About Us
ETHIOPIA the original birthplace of coffee.
LAMTIKA coffee was an idea birthed during a visit to Ethiopia between December 1991 and February 1992. While living amongst the Banna tribes people at a village called Alduba in Southern Ethiopia Kim visited a local market and saw some green beans lying on a blanket laid out on the red sandy ground. That day Kim bought all 4 kilograms of raw green coffee beans. After roasting and grinding the coffee he placed the beans into a French Press and added hot water. After waiting 4 minutes he pressed the coffee. Lifting the coffee cup to his lips and taking a sip of the black liquid the first thing he realised was that this was the best coffee he had ever tasted.
How could this be? What were coffee shops around the world selling that tasted so terrible? Bitter/Burnt tasting mud puddle water.
So began the quest which launched Kim on a 25 year adventure to discover what makes a great coffee.
The penultimate result of this search and dedication is our very own LAMTIKA coffee.
LAMTIKA Coffee leading the way to a better WORLD!
You can guarantee that your corporate clients will talk about the coffee you serve to them. This conversation will go one of two ways.(1) "Wasn't that terrible coffee! I still have that bitter ashtray taste in my mouth!". This will be the last impression of their experience at your restaurant, hotel or company. or;
(2) "That was the best coffee I have ever tasted!" Clients will never stop talking about this dessert quality coffee experience.
Jump ahead of the curve and be the company to introduce your clients to Lamtika Coffee before they discover it themselves. Then you will gain the credit for introducing them to a life changing experience!
LAMTIKA coffee a spiritual experience worth having!
Our Coffee roaster Mr. Kim Kennelly is a member of the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) Roasters Guild (RG).
Membership number 6988408.
Certified Coffee Roaster on Coffee-Tech Engineering Ghibli R15 Commercial Coffee Roaster, 11.02.2019